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Nikki's Birth Story

Nikki’s Birth Story 7/27/16

The preparation and birth of Haze. When I found out I was pregnant for the 4th time, I was excited and scared all at once, and a little shocked as well. I had prayed for 7 years for this baby. Our 3 child Brody was born with spina bifida so that was a huge scare and though mine & Rowdy’s plan was to have 4 children after Brody’s birth and condition we were scared. After Brody turned 2 and he was just a miracle in himself and doing so well, I told Rowdy I was ready for baby #4. Rowdy however had not recovered from the scare of Brody though Brody was flourishing.

Then starts the prayers! The praying, the tears, the arguments! I wanted this 4th baby so bad, I wasn’t sure why? I think that was the original plan to begin with so it was just burnt into my soul. Or maybe God just knows better than we do what is perfect for us. I’m going to go with that! I know this is true. I started off going to the same OBGYN that I had with all my children. Somewhere along the way she lost her bedside manner which is why I loved her so much to begin with. After leaving there in tears after every appointment I decided to look for a new OBGYN. I consulted my friend Lyndsey who was using a midwife! I was oh so intrigued by this but did not think this was an option because I had 3 previous C-sections. She encouraged me to just meet with them and maybe they could guide me to a OBGYN that would give me a healing birth. Some women are ok with a C-section, drugs, etc... sign me up, where do I sign on the dotted line, I want to pick the date....Not me, my C-sections were traumatic, scary and left me feeling broken. I did not want my belly cut open and my babies pulled out. I wanted them to come when they were ready and wanted to birth them naturally. This stayed heavy on my heart for 13 years!!!

After not much thought really, I decided to schedule a meeting with the doula at Lyndsey’s birthplace of choice. It didn’t take too much convincing with Rowdy, he is really good about just wanting to see me happy. We met with Shelby and the tears flowed. I really had no idea how negatively my C-sections had affected me until this meeting. She filled me with information no doctor ever even attempted to do! She told me it sounded like Brody was my only delivery that needed to be C-section but that she would have to review my records to be sure of that. I continued to see my OB and leave in tears each time due to her sarcasm and lack of caring. I prayed, cried, talked to Lyndsey some more. I wanted to experience what she was experiencing. I decided to meet with Galyn to see if she could refer me to a OBGYN that would respect me and my birth plan. After meeting with Galyn it was over.

After much prayer and discussion with my husband who was totally opposed and thought I was nuts. I decided to let Galyn request my records to review to see if I could birth this baby.

The healing began immediately! She was so easy to talk to and so positive. She reviewed my records and agreed that Madison and Tate were taken by C-section for reasons other than “NEED” and “NO OTHER CHOICE”! I was infuriated. This doctor had scarred me. She didn’t care how important it was to me to birth my babies. She didn’t care that she made me feel broken and less than a woman. How could she?!?! She used FEAR to make me agree to having C-sections! After lots of prayer, tears and discussion my husband agreed to let me continue seeing Galyn and try to birth our baby! I was elated. Even more thankful that my husband was on board too. We did not tell anyone, except Lyndsey of course, it was so exciting, it was our little secret and I felt so in control and happy.

Galyn had a plan and said I would be monitored very closely in case I did need to be rushed to the hospital in case of an emergency. I felt totally safe in her care, she was so easy to talk to and so full of knowledge. I had faith in her that she would keep me and my baby safe and that she wanted the very best for us.

My contractions started on July 25th, they were uncomfortable but bearable. I walked, stayed on my exercise ball, rested, took hot bathes. I was so excited; I had never experienced labor before. I felt empowered. I called my doula Desiree, she decided to come out the next day to my house, I think she knew I was a little concerned since labor was a new thing for me even though this was my 4th term pregnancy. I was not progressing so after trying some things, she went back home. That night I did not sleep, I wanted this baby to come, I was so ready to meet him. I tried to sleep and rest so I had the energy to labor and bring him into this world. The next day my contractions were stronger and harder to get through. We went to the grocery store to get the kids and myself snacks and the things we would need for the birth center. I had an appointment with Galyn and the sonographer around 1 that day. I would have to stop in the grocery store when a contraction would come to get through it. We also stopped to upgrade our phones, how funny is that?!?! I was extremely un comfortable at this point. After we finished with that we headed to see Galyn and the sonographer. After the sonogram, it was concluded that my placenta was no longer nourishing the baby, he had no more room and his chord was wrapped twice around his head. Normally this is something that can be worked around but considering I had, had 3 previous C-sections, his size, I was already almost 43 weeks, I was going to have to have a C-section. I cried and cried! I begged with Galyn but she knew she had to do what was best and

safest for me and the baby. I had a little time, so she was able to contact her friend that she knew would take good care of me. We hugged and headed to the hospital she said he would be there waiting for me. I cried off and on to the hospital, once again this was not my plan.

Upon arriving at the hospital, my doula and midwife met us there. They were wonderful. The doctor came and met with us, he agreed to keep my plan in tact as much as possible, he allowed my doula and Galyn to attend my C-section, he allowed my kids and the grandparents to watch the delivery through a window. He allowed my husband to play my labor play list while they performed my C-section. Some of the nurses and anesthesiologist were not happy, they had someone relieve them because they did not like that the doctor had accommodated my requests. It was the most beautiful of all my births, I had prayed for rain that day because rain makes me feel calm and at ease. It rained that day on our way to the hospital. The baby was delivered and I was able to hold him on my chest as they sewed me back up and my husband was given the honor of cutting the chord, we were never given this option before. He weighed 10 lbs. 11 ounces. He was the biggest, healthiest baby I had birthed. This was because he was allowed to come on his time, when he was ready. We named him later that night around10 p.m. or later, We chose Haze Rein for his name, A strong calm name. I had never thought of it before but it was like my pregnancy, strong, calm and healing. Thanks to Galyn, Desiree and my new OBGYN, I was able to have the most healing, beautiful birth. I will always long to have delivered my babies naturally, I don’t why, but I no longer experience hurt and failure when I think of this. I now feel, healed and happy about this area of my life. I will forever love and be grateful to Galyn, Desiree and my doctor for making this healing birth a reality.

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