Jett's Birth Story
In 1980 I was born at home. My father went out to ”find the midwife” (again, 1980), and by the time they both arrived, I was already born. My mother, deep into labor and all alone, had pushed the dresser in front of her bed, so she could look in the mirror and see what was happening to her body and her baby...Fastforward to 2015.... Boy how times have changed! Midwives were not that “crazy” of an idea, and I knew a handful of (smart) people doing them. I intuitively knew I would have a home birth. There was never any other option in my mind, it was ingrained in me. I was always so proud of how I came into the world!! So intrigued that no one ever believed that I was born at home, and that my mom could do it all without the assistance of Doctors/hospitals or drugs! On the day I went into labor, it began around 4:00pm. By 7:00pm it was full on “holy shi*t this is nuts.” My husband text my midwife around 2:00am saying I was in labor. Galyn, our midwife said, “I’ll meet you at the family birth center ASAP”. Does birth without drugs hurt? Yes. Did I have a long labor of 29 hours? Yes. Did the midwives give me many ‘outs’ to go to the hospital? Yes. But, they gave me the power to trust in it all and go for it!!! Yes, this was the hardest thing I have ever done, and my son and I did it together...and my husband trusted me and my plan. We have this unspoken respect for each other, and doing a home birth with the Family Birth Center in New Braunfels is my favorite ‘triumph’ in life that I have! My favorite part about it was the prenatal care I received. From someone who suffered from nothing but a history (and still today) of miscarriages, the midwives always made me feel like I was worthy of this, capable of this, and deserving of this thing called motherhood! Still to this day, I can (and do) text the lovely midwives of the New Braunfels Family Birth Center! Birth is painful, but the journey is very sweet!! Now my son (and myself) will have a birth story that he is proud to tell! And the hard work I did that day, will stay with me forever in the form of gratitude. Thank you Galyn and Stephanie!! ️️ Today and forever! Holly Harper